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    RR Global / INDIA
  • RR Copper Bonded Threaded Earth Rods are manufactured by electrolytically bonding the steel core with 99.95% pure copper
  • Rods are roll threaded to get higher strength and maintain copper coating at the threaded area
  • Rods are made from low carbon steel core to ensure higher tensile strength
  • The standard copper coating thickness is 254 microns
  • Custom copper coating thickness is also available starting from min 20 microns
  • Material: MS Bright bar with copper plating

RR Copper Bond Threaded Earth Rods (D16, L2400)

RR Global uses copperbond threaded earth rods of a high quality which comply with even the most demanding regulations in order to achieve long-lasting earthing. All these earth rods are electrolytically coated with copper which is 254 microns thick and  99.95% pure, with a proven resistance to corrosion.

This type of electrolytic coating prevents cracks or fissures, which may be caused in the outer layer of the earth rods with mechanical coating.

Using the appropriate accessories, copperbond threaded earth rods enable the electrode to extend in order to obtain better earth resistances.

cọc tiếp địa mạ đồng của Ấn độ có nhiều kích thước chiều dài và được ren 2 đầu


Part Number: RR-ERT-CB-xxx

Shank Ø (mm) Thread size Leghth (mm) -xxx
12.7 1/2 inch 1200 1212
1500 1215
1800 1218
2400 1224
14.2 5/8 inch 1200 5812
1500 5815
1800 5818
2400 5824
3000 5830
16.0 5/8 inch 1200 5812A
1500 5815A
1800 5818A
2400 5824A
3000 5830A
17.2 3/4 inch 1200 3412
1500 3415
1800 3418
2400 3424
3000 3430
20.0 3/4 inch 1600 3416
2400 3424
3000 3430


> The electrodes should be placed at a depth of at least 50 cm.

> It is preferable to use several conductors conveniently spread out rather than one very long conductor.

> In the case of an earthing system made up of various interconnected electrodes, it is recommended that:

  • The buried earth rods must be placed in a triangle or line and spaced out at a distance of at least that of their buried depth.
  • The buried earth rods are connected by an identical or compatible conductor to the one used for the downconductor.
  • The conductor joining the earth r od should be buried at a depth of at least 50 cm.
  • Apply the ground enhancing product CONDUCTIVER PLUS (AT-010L) to the buried electrodes in order to obtain a lower earth resistance.

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