Specialized knowledge of Lightning protection, Electricity, Electronics and Informatics
Lightning protection involves using technical measures and systems to protect people, property, and infrastructure from the harmful effects of lightning. This system helps minimize the risk of damage caused by direct lightning strikes or induced surges.
Alongside lightning rods that protect structures, transient surge protection plays a crucial role in protecting internal electrical and electronic devices.
Learn about the lightning protection system (LPS): definition, purpose, types, and detailed installation guide to protect buildings and equipment from lightning damage.
Lightning rod is a common name used to refer to a system installed on the top of a building or on a high pole, consisting of one or more metal rods with pointed ends connected to ground conductors for protection. for structures, buildings and objects below from being struck by lightning.
Surge Protective Devices (SPD) come in various types, each designed to meet specific standards such as IEC or UL. This article explains the different types of SPDs, their classifications, and a detailed comparison based on IEC and UL standards.
The surge protection selection must be done following the local electrical code requirements (e.g. : minimum rating for In) and specific conditions (e.g. : high lightning density).