SPD testers are devices that allows to test all the CITEL SPDs and external surge protection as well as component: MOV, GDT and TVS.
Lightning counters are designed to detect and record the impulse current conducted by the down conductor of the lightning protection system or by the earthing wire of a protective surge protection.
The LMS-W is a smart lightning monitoring system developed by CITEL for wind turbines. LMS-W is mainly used for surge current measurement when lightning strikes one of the rotor blades. ...
Dat Tester - ESE lightning air terminals portable tester To verify the correct operation of DAT CONTROLER PLUS, FLASH CAPTOR & others ESE Lightning Air Terminals. The equipmetnt applies a high voltage signal ...
LSCM-D/230AC/P1000 Smart SPD Monitoring Device & Surge Current Counter The smart monitoring and measuring device LSCM-D is designed for measuring the surge current which will flow in the Surge protection branch ...
ATSTORM® Expert local early warning system for lightning storm risk prevention When a local lightning warning system is required Lightning and thunderstorms are unavoidable natural phenomena that pose serious threats ...
LIGHTNING EVENT COUNTER The AT-034G lightning event counter is a device to be installed on the down-conductor, usually above the guard tube. It automatically counts the strikes received by the ...
LSC-A Lightning counters are designed to detect and record the impulse current conducted by the down conductor of the lightning protection system or by the earthing wire of a protective ...