ThyAn - Công ty Chống sét chuyên nghiệp
Professional Lightning Protection Company in Vietnam
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TAEC - Thy An Engineering Company is providing full-service company specializing in customized design & engineering solutions for surge protection, grounding & bonding and lightning protection.
We offer decades of knowledge and experience to our customers, advising of the best methods for risk mitigation in VietNam and neighboring countries. The company's products and services serve for civil construction, office building and contribute to improving the highest level of safety and effectiveness in lightning protection in other important infrastructures such as:
  • Aviation & flight management system
  • Maritime Safety
  • Broadcasting
  • Telecommunications
  • Power & Transmission Plant
  • Factory & Industrial Park


The company's products and services serve for civil construction, office building and contribute to improving the highest level of safety and effectiveness in lightning protection in other important infrastructures.


External lightning protection system is equipped with protective components installed outside the building in order to minimize the occurrence of lightning strikes from the cloud to the area to be protected, reducing the damage to...
Din-Rail AC Surge Protector for low voltage installation.  Equipment connected to Alternating Current (AC) networks can be subjected to a multitude of undesirable electrical phenomena which will disrupt their operation, cause failures, reduce their lifespan,...
The AC surge protection panel is a complete set of equipment that connecting to the power line to protect sensitive electronics against the damaging effects of surges. Surges caused by lightning, utility grid switching and other...
DC power systems are used more and more in the fields of industry, telecommunications, energy and many other fields. They are all risk of being affected and damaged by lightning surges or industrial overvoltages like AC...
Data surge protectors are essential for protecting your property, in addition to helping ensure safety, the systems are mandated for occupancy and operation, maintaining the stable and continuous operation of automatic electronic devices. With the advancement...
Radio communication systems which are connected to an antenna are especially exposed to lightning strikes. Telecommunication and Television Surge protectors are designed in accordance with the characteristics of the transmission line such as coaxial cable,...
EARTHING - Grounding system consists mostly of earthing rods, grounding electrodes, ground enhancing products, copper wires, earthing boxes, etc. linked together and connects an electrical power system with the earth’s surface. The grounding system has...
Aviation obstruction lighting is used to enhance the visibility of structures or fixed obstacles which may conflict with the safe navigation of aircraft. Obstruction lighting is commonly installed on towers, buildings, and even fences located...

Solutions & Services

We are devoted to offering a truly effective lightning system and testing design. We offer a complete multi-phase solution for clients, we can also provide a selection of individualized services tailored to clients’ protection needs.


Comprehensive Lightning Protection Solutions for Structures Nowadays, protecting structures from the impact of lightning is an extremely important factor for the safety and sustainability of any building. Lightning can cause ...
The surge protection solution is a collection of ways to select application of AC surge protectors are defined by standards. Coordinating them together according to the specificity, scale of each electrical ...
Wind Turbine & photovoltaic installation are generally located at exposed areas for better wind conditions, onshore wind turbines usually locate at prominent terrain like mountains region and offshore locate at ...



"Reliable Product, Perfect Services" is Our core values. Our top priority is choosing the Partners who are able to supply safe and effective products, technologically innovative, with the highest manufacturing quality and that meet and exceed the requirements of national and international regulations, to provide good warranty services, quick delivery time and techincal support services may need.