How to react in case of storm ?

Wednesday, 07/12/2022, 16:43

Protecting people. How to react in case of storm ?


Electrical storms are a very dangerous natural phenomenon. On this technical notebook we offer you a list of safety recommendations for the security of people against electrical storms.

How to Survive Lightning Strikes ?

Find refugee in edifications. We recommend to go:

  • Inside a building with lightning rods.
  • Inside a place which has a roof electrically united to earth.
  • Inside a total metallic structure (for example a covered car).

Nên ở trong xe hơi, xe oto để tránh sét đánh chạy ngay vào nhà đã được chống sét

Ngồi xuống đất, co 2 chân lại với nhau để tránh sét đánh xuống


In case there is no refugee close, you should minimize the size of your height (kneel down) and the surface in contact with the ground (put your feet together) and never place your hands on an object connected to the ground.

Things you should avoid

  • Riding horses or bicycles.
  • Staying in convertible vehicles with the roof open.
  • Getting into the water or swimming.
  • High or isolated trees. The closeness of a tree beyond the end of the branches.
  • Open areas.
  • Wearing an object that stand son top of your head, specially if its made of metal (umbrellas, golf clubs, tools,).
  • The contact and closeness of a metallic structures, metallic fences, electric objects, Windows frames, radios and TV...
  • The use of phones with cable.


không được đi xe đạp, đi xe hơi không có trần bảo vệ không được bơi lúc trời có giông sét
không được đứng trú mưa dưới gốc cây không được chơi hoặc đứng ngoài sân trống lúc trời mưa giông
không được sử dụng điện thoại có dây ở trong nhà

In case of a person affected by a direct or indirect lightning discharge, you should perform the same first aids used in case of electrical discharges or burns. Artificial respiration should be done immediately. These actions, as well as urgent treatments can save the affected person life.

How to Survive Lightning Strikes




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