Professional Knowledge

Different electrical networks have different specifications and connections, so manufacturers have designed products for their respective protection installations. If selected incorrectly and installed improperly, not only will it lose its effectiveness, but it can also cause damage, fire, loss of electrical safety and affect the entire system.
Brazilian researchers captured on camera the moment when lightning rods on buildings released an upward discharge to attract incoming lightning.
Some standards on Lightning Protection, Earthing of International (IEC, IEEC), Vietnam and other countries (France, Spain, US, British ..)
What is the resistivity of the earth? The resistance of a cube earth is 1m3, to the current flowing from one side of the earth block to the opposite face. The unit of resistivity of soil is Ωm (ohm meter). It is possible to measure resistivity of soil according to the Wenner or Schlumberger method.
Sử dụng Type của thiết bị chống sét như thế nào ? Các thiết bị chống sét thuộc nhóm hay Type được các nhà sản xuất quy định trên mỗi sản phẩm, chúng phải đáp ứng theo các yêu cầu thử nghiệm của tiêu chuẩn IEC. Vậy khi nào thì sử dụng type 1, type 2 hay type 3, sử dụng như thế nào là phù hợp ?
Lightning is a complex meteorological phenomenon. Understanding the nature of the formation process and the impact of lightning on structures will help to develop effective lightning protection measures. So what is lightning?